On the checklist of acting success, talent is not necessarily number 1...
Or even number 2. This may surprise you. But, having a working knowledge of the business side of the industry scores much higher than talent alone. Don’t misunderstand me, honing your craft is still necessary, but being able to create, nurture and capitalize on relationships in the industry is critical to booking work. While it may not be as glamorous as performing on stage or screen, understanding the casting, producing and marketing effort that happens before the curtain rises is essential. It’s not called "show business" for nothing... So, I’m pleased to share an interview with a performer who is out living his entrepreneurial lifestyle and inspiring other performers to do the same. Meet Aaron Reeder. Aaron is an accomplished professional singer/actor with a long list of amazing collaborations and projects. He is also a creative consultant, changing the mindset from "starving artists" to "thriving artists" by cultivating good business to compliment good art. His background in business and marketing provides a unique perspective of the arts and what it entails to be a professional artist. Aaron and I have been holding "business meetings" for over a decade now, and I can't wait for you to listen in on a few of his secrets. :) In this interview, you will learn:
So now that you have Aaron’s tips to preparing for networking situations, which will you work on first? Crafting and perfecting your artistic message? Building your online presence? Researching a business course? Let me know in the comments below.
For more information about Aaron and his latest news, please visit his website at www.aaron-reeder.com and connect with him on Facebook here.
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the global actor Notes
December 2023