If you are feeling motivated to dive in and make your closet your favorite spot in your home, be sure to get in on Jeannie's upcoming Capsule Wardrobe course, which begins in just a few days, click here and remember to use code ELISE for 10% off. (Code can also be used for consultations!)
And leave a comment below on how you are currently feeling about your closet!
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How often do you think about the colors you wear? When heading to an audition, networking event, getting your headshots done, or anywhere else in daily life do you struggle with "what to wear"? I’d always heard that “blue makes you pop onscreen”. Also that “black is slimming and looks good on anyone”. While these colors may work well for many people, according to my recent color consultation, there is really only like one specific shade of blue that looks good on me, and my best colors are actually greens, browns, plums, etc. Most blues & black wash me out :) For my birthday this year I gifted myself a color consultation with the Color Guru herself, Jeannie Stith-Mawhinney, and am so glad that I made the investment! Jeannie helped me get clear on what colors don’t work for me, highlighted those that make me glow (including gold vs silver jewelry) and shared fabulous resources (including makeup & color card) which have made shopping, and getting ready every day SO much easier! As an actor, it is VITAL that we feel confident in every room we walk into, which is why I’ve invited Jeannie to share her mission with The Global Actor Community via a conversation on “How Color Can Boost Your Confidence (& Acting Career!). Listen in on our chat here--- Jeannie shares her #1 Key to Looking Better, Feeling more Beautiful AND also simplifying your wardrobe! Check it out! If this video has you curious about YOUR colors, you’ll definitely want to check out Jeannie’s upcoming Capsule Wardrobe Course which INCLUDES the same kind of personal consultation I had! Find that here, and don’t forget to use Promo Code: ELISE for 10% Off!
Be sure to check back in next week for Part 2 of our color chat :) In the past few blog posts/videos, you've learned
In this week's 4th and final video with Kari Nissena, she let's us in on a juicy insider story from her own acting career. Find out why she thinks it is so very important to just "Put A Date on the Calendar!" So, how can you apply this advice to your own acting career?
Well... What is an event or milestone that you can schedule and then work towards? Even if you don't know how to get there right now-- put it on your calendar and share what and when it will be in the comments below :) And if you haven't yet, be sure to pick up Kari's FREE GIFT at - tinyurl.com/FreeGift3Steps You can further connect with Kari at any of the links below: IMDB: http://www.imdb.me/KariNissena COACHING SITE: http://www.ActorTransformation.com TWITTER: http://twitter.com/KariNissena & https://twitter.com/ActorWorldMag FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/Kari.Nissena INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/KariNissena/ YOUTUBE: https://www.YouTube.com/c/ActorTransformation LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/KariNissena/ KARI’s LIST: http://tinyurl.com/KariNissenaNewsletter GET MORE INFO HERE: http://tinyurl.com/ActorTransformation-MoreInfo Be sure to check out Ep. 1, Ep. 2 and Ep. 3 AND Then join us in the #GlobalActors FB group for ongoing discussion, tips, and tools for your acting career!
So, now you know-- be sure to leave a link to your IMDB profile below so we can check you out and boost your STARMETER!
Also, Kari has a FREE GIFT for you at - tinyurl.com/FreeGift3Steps You can connect with Kari further here: IMDB: http://www.imdb.me/KariNissena COACHING SITE: http://www.ActorTransformation.com TWITTER: http://twitter.com/KariNissena & https://twitter.com/ActorWorldMag FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/Kari.Nissena INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/KariNissena/ YOUTUBE: https://www.YouTube.com/c/ActorTransformation LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/KariNissena/ KARI’s LIST: http://tinyurl.com/KariNissenaNewsletter GET MORE INFO HERE: http://tinyurl.com/ActorTransformation-MoreInfo Be sure to check out Ep. 1 & Ep. 2 of this interview AND Join us next week for Ep. 4 w/ Kari & I!
So now you know the real deal on that pesky Starmeter Ranking.
If you missed Ep. 1 of my interview with Kari, check it out here! Next, be sure to catch her FREE Webinar - "3 Easy Steps to Improve Your IMDb" -- watch the replay now (before they take it down) - https://tinyurl.com/FREE-3EasySteps And then finally, for those of you who want to be a part of Actor Transformation's "IMDb for Actors" program: Even though the EarlyBird special is now over, you still save money because you are a Global Actor! Kari's offered us a special discount! Click on link below: IMDb for Actors - Registration Page https://tinyurl.com/ActorsProgram2018 Just remember to use your discount code "GLOBALACTORS" to save $22! And be sure to check back in here next week for Ep. 3 of our interview.
Kari has so generously offered two free gifts for you:
A FREE MASTERCLASS - More at tinyurl.com/FREE-3EasySteps "Make sure you type "Elise" or "Global Actors" into the "Where did you hear about this" button because Kari loves our actors! and ANOTHER FREE GIFT - tinyurl.com/FreeGift3Steps Grab your gifts now, and then share your IMDB vanity link in the comments below! You can connect with Kari further here: IMDB: http://www.imdb.me/KariNissena COACHING SITE: http://www.ActorTransformation.com TWITTER: http://twitter.com/KariNissena & https://twitter.com/ActorWorldMag FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/Kari.Nissena INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/KariNissena/ YOUTUBE: https://www.YouTube.com/c/ActorTransformation LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/KariNissena/ KARI’s LIST: http://tinyurl.com/KariNissenaNewsletter GET MORE INFO HERE: http://tinyurl.com/ActorTransformation-MoreInfo Be Sure to check back in for Ep. 2 with Kari & I!
So what do you think? Have you encountered feeling of envy & jealousy in your career? How have you dealt with these icky feelings? Would love to hear about your experience in the comments below.
If you've found this helpful and and have yet to check out Episodes 1, 2 and 3 of our #Success series, just click on the links for more tips on auditioning for actor/musician shows, managing success and #tourlife! You can find out more about Erica Sypres here and be sure to SHARE this with any actors you adore :)
Good food for thought, right?!
If you enjoyed our conversation and have yet to check out Episodes 1 & 2 of our #Success series, just click on the link for more tips on auditioning for actor/musician shows and managing success! You can find out more about Erica Sypres here and be sure to join us next week for the final episode of the series! Please feel free to SHARE with other actors who'd get something out of this :) So what happens when you land a big job, ...need to back out of an entire season of regional work, ... and suddenly have to live up to the success? Well, this fabulous problem is exactly what happened to actress/singer/musician Erica Spyres when she landed the national tour of ONCE. When describing this big win to me, she said: "We prepare ourselves as actors so much for failure... we prepare ourselves for "no" that when we hear a yes.. we're like.. 'wait-what?! I was all ready to hear a "no" I don't know what to do with that!'" Many of us focus on being in a mindset of letting go after a big audition and haven't given too much thought into how to best be prepared for the feeling of major success. Check out this week's video for Erica's solutions and how YOU can best be ready for that next big job! So what do you think? Have you been in a similar situation? What healthy habit will you begin today to best be ready to manage big success? Leave your thoughts in the comments, please share with any actors you think might be into this, and... Stay tuned for more from Erica next week! In the meantime, you can learn more about her out at ericaspyres.com This is Episode of 2 in the #Success series with Erica Spyres. If you've missed Episode 1, go back and watch it here! Are you a musician as well as an actor and singer? If so, I'm sure you've been noticing the call for more and more actor/singer/musicians in the theater today- from John Doyle's Sondheim productions to shows like ONCE and NATASHA, PIERRE & THE GREAT COMET OF 1812. And what a great way to set yourself apart from the herd in this competitive business! If you're ready to market yourself as an actor/singer/musician, you have a special opportunity to stand out and book work that few others can. So, how can you make the best first impression auditioning with your instrument? Check out this week's video below for what is being asked of you in these kinds of auditions! I'm interviewing Erica Spyres who takes us through the step-by-step process of what it was like to audition and be cast in the National Tour of ONCE! (Be sure to follow her, as she makes her upcoming Broadway debut in CAROUSEL!) Watch it now! So what do you think? Now that you've got some tried & true tips, select a song or two that would seriously show off your musicianship and personality on your favorite instrument, and let me know how it goes, in the comments below. Stay tuned for more from Erica next week and in the meantime check her out at ericaspyres.com |
the global actor Notes
December 2023