This is part 3 of a 4 part series. Check out part 1 and part 2 here.
Have you ever thought about performing in voiceover? I’m back w/ Carolina Ravassa this week to discuss just that! She is currently voicing the character of "Sombra" for the video game OVERWATCH and she is rocking the various cons in support of it as well! If you are digging our conversation and want to hear more check out part 1 and part 2 If this video finds you motivated to explore voiceover work, set up an Actor Strategy Session with me today so we can begin creating an action plan for your career! Follow Carolina at Insta: ravassa, twitter: carolina ravassa, facebook: Hispanglosaxon page website: hispanglosaxon.com Leave a comment below with you voiceover goal. I’d love to support you!
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This is part 2 of a 4 part series. Here’s part 1.
Ever find yourself frustrated that the industry does not see your full range as an artist? Thought about SELF-PRODUCING? How about creating your own WEB SERIES?
She not only created her one-woman web series, Hispanglosaxon, but she has appeared on Showtime's The Affair and voices Sombra for Blizzard's OVERWATCH.
Check out part one of her interview here, and please SHARE this with any other performers you know who may be inspired by this interview clip where we talking "Moving to New York".
Follow Carolina at Insta: ravassa, twitter: carolina ravassa, facebook: Hispanglosaxon page website: hispanglosaxon.com
Let’s discuss on FACEBOOK & Insta LIVE tonight (Wednesday, March 22nd) at 8:30 EST/ 5:30 PST Watch the LIVE video here
I am so thrilled to introduce you to my friend and fellow working actor, Carolina Ravassa.
She not only created her one-woman web series, Hispanglosaxon, but she has appeared on Showtime's The Affair and voices Sombra for Blizzard's OVERWATCH. Check out part one of her interview here, and please share this with any other performers you know who may be inspired by this interview clip where we talk "Moving to New York".
Follow Carolina at Insta: @ravassa, twitter: carolina ravassa, facebook: Hispanglosaxon page
Let’s discuss on FACEBOOK & Insta LIVE tonight (Tuesday, March 14th) at 8:30 EST/ 5:30 PST Watch Facebook Live Video Here
Removing Yourself From Uncomfortable Situations
I am all for going out of your comfort zone, in fact I challenge you to go out of your comfort zone on a daily basis, because it will help you grow as both a human and artist. We will definitely explore the subject of “going out of your comfort zone” in a future post … But today let’s talk about UNCOMFORTABLE SITUATIONS… And when it’s time to walk away There have been times in my career where I have lost confidence because I found myself in uncomfortable environments. A time or two it was clear that I was in a straight up dangerous situation and I hustled to the door as quickly as I arrived. I was lucky in that all turned out well soon after. But if I hadn't walked away immediately, I could have been emotionally and physically hurt. This industry is full of hopeful artists trying to pursue their dreams, and sometimes not so nice people will take advantage of our starry-eyed aspirations—taking our money and not fully delivering. When should you get out of a situation that is makes you feel uncomfortable? 1.) If you feel like you will be risking your mental, physical or spiritual well-being by taking part in a project or experience. In my career I have had the awkwardness of:
2.) When the leadership uses fear-based motivation versus empowering inspiration and collaboration. Does the leadership inspire you OR make you fearful? Keep in mind that there are many paths to success in our industry. If a certain coach, company, director, actor or writer, is making you feel uncomfortable--- end the relationship. Walking away is not a career-ending decision. You WILL find others who are the right fit for you AND who treat you with respect. I don’t know about you, but I am interested in working with inclusive not exclusive folks who share a similar mindset of inclusiveness and love. I want to be creating inspiring art that challenges and has the power to change humanity for good! If the method of communication is fear-based, how is that in line with the work I want to create? We already have enough work to do in this business to keep our mindsets in check---- SO when given a choice, I choose inspiration over fear. What kind of work to you want to create? When looking at a next project or even current projects, are they in line with your goals? This topic and some of these examples may trigger questions and fears. I’d love to address your specific questions below. We are each at a unique place in our performing career and if my examples are not quite in line with where you currently are, I’d love to discuss your specific journey and current challenges. I will be exploring this subject further on Facebook Live, Wednesday, March 1st at 3pm EST/Noon PST. Please join me with your questions or comments then and check back for a link to the video. |
the global actor Notes
December 2023