This question popped up in my inbox earlier this week and since it’s so pertinent to so many actors out there at one time or another, I thought I’d share...
Q: I am recovering from a viral infection and bronchitis. I have been out of teaching for a week and was thinking I could go back tomorrow but then I started getting this tickle in my throat that sends me in to these coughing spasms.... the kind that don’t stop... that are embarrassing in public. Is there anything when you are recording your audio books that you find helpful... to immediately stop that kind of cough from starting? I put myself on vocal rest because I had a terrible painful episode at home this morning and talking seems to set it off. A: First off, I’m so sorry to hear you’re not feeling well. Such a bummer to be sick. I feel your pain, literally! A couple weeks ago, I was in a very similar situation. I went to my doctor, and besides a prescription for Flo-naze, the information I received is “it’s just a viral infection-- it will go away on it’s own in a 10-14 days”. WHAT?! 10-14 days of coughing and being able to carry on ?! Not so helpful as, you know, professional voice user hear. Fortunately, I had an arsenal of tips & tricks from my early years of vocal frustrations, so my specific bout did not last as long as 10 days. Below is what helped me specifically this time around. *Disclaimer: I am NOT a medical professional, just sharing my personal experience. Please do not take the following as medical advice.
Hope this is helpful, and that you feel better soon. Please let me know what you find helpful or if you have any other tips to add in the comments below!
the global actor Notes
December 2023