Joining an acting union can be an exciting moment. The possibility of receiving benefits like higher pay, health insurance, a 401K, a pension and more is suddenly real.
But while there’s a lot to gain by joining a union, there’s also a lot to consider before making this financial and professional decision: Once you pay those initiation dues, you pledge to follow the rules, only accept union work, and uphold the rights and responsibilities expected in a professional performer. Recently, Actors’ Equity announced a change in their Equity Membership Candidate Program, offering candidates the opportunity to join the union sooner (at 25 weeks instead of 50). While 25 weeks might be right for some actors, waiting it out to 50 weeks might be better for others—it’s really dependent on you and your specific career and lifestyle. So let’s explore this decision. Here are some major things to consider before “taking your card.” Read the Full Article originally published on here! And take this quiz to find out if joining Equity is right for you!
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Happy Valentine's Day!
Whether you are reading this on February 14th or you have just come across this post, it's always a good day to show yourself some love & care... As I write to you I am in the middle of a challenging, exciting rehearsal process for a play and as I try new things I find myself needing to come back to the well of self-love often. Saying to self "SHOW UP. BE CONFIDENT. And PLAY!" I don't know about you, but sometimes I take this whole "play" thing a little too SERIOUSLY. And seriousness can only take you so far in "play". As you find yourself in the middle of a busy audition or performance season, it is super important that you keep your mindset fresh & positive. You and your mindset have the power to be your greatest fan and your greatest obstacle in your acting career. So I've put together a few ideas to practice being your greatest FAN today: 1.) Write A Love Letter to Yourself. What are you most proud of in this moment? In the past month? year? Decade? What is your favorite song? Personality trait? What makes you smile? Light a candle, put on some inspiring music and write... let yourself know how proud you are of all you are up to in your life & career. Acknowledgement is powerful. Use a tool like to schedule this love letter to arrive in the form of an email you'll receive weeks or months down the road. 2.) Create a "Kind Words" Folder in your Email Inbox. It's time to flag, save, and remember all of those beautiful things other have said about you. Take photos of thank-you notes you may have received from fellow actors on an opening night, or directors/teachers complimenting your work in and out of the audition room. Send these pictures to your email inbox and place in your new folder titled "Kind Words"-- or come up with your own title if you wish! This is a place for fabulous reviews or emails that "just make your day". It's also a place for you to come back to and review when you're NOT feeling like your biggest fan. Let it serve as motivation that you ARE loved and your work does have an impact on others in the world. 3.) Make an Artist Date with Yourself. Okay, this one comes to you via Julia Cameron and her book The Artist's Way. An artist date is a date just for yourself, that you go on by yourself. Treat your artist self and explore your sense of play. It may be a museum visit, going to see a play or concert on your own. Check out this list of 101 artist date ideas! Please share below how you are celebrating some self-love today! And e-mail this post to yourself, add it to your new "Kind Words" folder, and come back to it at those times when you are needing a little pick-me-up! All my love, Elise |
the global actor Notes
December 2023