However this finds you right now -
Or getting cozy with some warm cocoa… I’m motivated to drop into your inbox this weekend with another Mistake I see creatives make >>> that I really want you to AVOID in 2024! If you missed last week’s content - the first of this series– check it out here. I cover Shiny Object Syndrome - how to determine if you fall susceptible to it and what to do instead so that you’re less distracted + get more mileage out of the limited time and energy you have to give to your career. This week, I’m highlighting Another Mistake I saw a TON of creatives make this year: Subscribing to Other’s Limiting BeliefsI can’t count the amount of times I worked with a client this year who had had a family member, colleague or even COACH tell them their goal or long term vision was not possible OR that they should lower their expectations. Now, as a coach, I am both a motivator and practical strategist, but it is NOT my job to limit you, it’s my job to help you explore your highest potential and actually achieve it. You are receiving the results you’re currently receiving because of the the thoughts you are having and the situation that you’re in. Your situation includes your environment, including the people and perspectives you surround yourself with… The actions you taking… AND The thoughts you’re having. And of course there are many other reasons you may be where you’re at right now – including living in an inequitable world… I get it… some of these big things we cannot completely control or change singlehandedly… So what I’m talking about today is what’s within your control… The first step to moving towards your dream life and career, is making sure you’ve set up a thriving environment for yourself! ☀️ 🌟 An Environment where you have folks to turn to who actually believe in you… who hear your dreams and goals and encourage you forward… who are there for you when you’ve had a bad day... and who remind you that you are enough, you will be okay. So when you think about the long-term vision + goals or habits you're looking to develop in 2024, I want you to ask yourself: Do I believe this is possible? Am I receiving messaging that this isn't possible? From who? What are naysayers saying? How does it help them if I limit myself? How can I add more hopeful content and/or people into my life? And if you're not sure where to start, please know that I care about your dreams. And if you want to work together in 2024, I'd be honored to be your coach - to help you stay encouraged and in practical action. The world always benefits when creatives believe in themselves, shine brightly, have more resources and the healthy environment to thrive. So, today I want to remind you that: You are worthy. You are worthy of the goals you’ve set out for yourself. And if you don’t 100% believe they’re possible, take a look at your environment and make one change today to help you believe in yourself more and stay motivated so that you continue to take action expressing yourself as an artist today and every day. Please drop a note in the comments and let me know what you think - I’m curious to learn how this sits with you. If you'd like a resource to help identify a limiting belief and learn how to change this belief (or beliefs), I'd love to point you to Days 2 + 3 of my Dream Big, Plan Smart training which you can access for free for a limited time here.
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We are just 14 days away from calling it a wrap on 2023. So how does this find you? Are you: 🌟 Filled with energy to give it all you’ve got these last few weeks! 😩 Exhausted by the challenges that this year presented and ready to say goodbye and good riddance to this year? Or somewhere in between? 🤔 Wherever this finds you, I hope you can pause what you’re doing and give this content five minutes of your time. I write to you today to help you make the best use of these final days of the year so that you can make the first month of 2024 even better! This is my favorite time of year to review and reflect, and I’m so grateful I planned for a slower December than previous years (PRO TIP: learn from past failures 🤣 crying laughing emoji). After taking over 300 creatives through my Dream Big, Plan Smart goal setting and business-planning framework last month, I identified a few key mistakes I see creatives making again and again. So I'm dedicating my final weeks of 2023 to identifying these mistakes -- and if you connect with these, I offer what to do instead so that you can experience more focus and flow in 2024. Without further ado, here's the first mistake... Mistake #1: Shiny Object SyndromeAre you signing up for more training and/or coaching than you can actually implement or trying to grow your social media following on too many platforms? Maybe you've seen events coming up in 2024 and you're feeling FOMO, like you'll only be successful if you attend ALL OF THEM? We only have so much bandwidth in a day, month, year, so this is NOT the time to pile too many things on. Including too many holiday events! (You know, you can give yourself permission to say "no" on the RSVP list from time to time. winking emoji) You'll know you are experiencing "shiny object syndrome" if you leave a class or coaching feeling more confused, because you are receiving too much conflicting advice and cannot run it through your own filter to determine what strategy is right for you at this moment in time. In regards to social media, if you are on a lot of platforms, but you don't actually feel connected to your messaging and/or contacts you have there... and are trying all the strategies... yet you're not consistent with one or two... you may also be suffering from "shiny object syndrome". So, What is the problem with Shiny object Syndrome?How it makes you feel... And the way it affects your energy... You might like the frantic energy... or even find comfort in anxiety that can come from being busy... (I know that might feel weird to read, but I've been there, I know there can be pride in being busy), but this energy is holding you back from your highest potential. Your current + future collaborators take in your energy in first meetings, when you work on a project together, in reachouts and at networking events. So do you want to lead with: 1.) anxiety and frantic energy or 2.) would you like to glow with confidence and trust in yourself? I promise #2 will be more delightful for you and your fellow collaborators. So let's set you up for success in the remainder of December. If you're experiencing "Shiny Object Syndrome", here are some strategies I suggest: Take a look at what’s on your plate as far as courses, coaches and trainings you’ve already invested in. Make a plan to lean into those resources that you know help you feel confident and glowing, or are stretching you in all the right ways and STOP signing up for new things just because you have FOMO or think that next class will be the magical ticket to change your life. Let go of the things on your schedule that no longer serve you. You are the magic ticket to change your life. Period. And if you actually get quiet and still and reflect on the year, you likely already have the answers for what you need to do next within you. So to recap: ❓ How do you want to feel about your 2024? In other words, what are your core feelings? ❓ Which past trainings have helped you feel this way? Great, do more of these! ❓ Which ones haven’t made you experience your core feelings? Time to let them go! ❓Where have you invested in something and just need to actually complete and implement? Prioritize these programs, events and social media platforms only if they’re in alignment with what you’re going after in 2024. Here’s why: We have limited energy and time. When we fill our time and brains up with what’s not working, not only do we not get that time back, BUT we also miss out on personal insights that we can only tune into when we allow our selves the time and space to get quiet and tune in. So what do you think? Share a comment and let me know any takeaways you have on this topic… And stay tuned for next week’s post where I’ll reveal the second mistake I see creatives take when it comes to action planning! Have you completed a year-end review yet? I'd love to offer you the one I teach (for free) here: |
the global actor Notes
December 2023